The Biggest Warning Sign of a Potential Abuser: How They Talk About Their Ex and Use Them to Manipulate You
Emotional Abuse, Narcissistic Abuse Michelle Roberts Emotional Abuse, Narcissistic Abuse Michelle Roberts

The Biggest Warning Sign of a Potential Abuser: How They Talk About Their Ex and Use Them to Manipulate You

When entering a new relationship, it’s natural to learn about your partner’s past. However, one of the most common and subtle tactics abusers use is weaponizing their ex to manipulate you. Whether through excessive criticism, constant comparisons, or creating jealousy, this behavior isn’t just a red flag—it’s a clear indicator of control and emotional immaturity.

Understanding how abusers use their ex to manipulate their current partner can help you identify warning signs early and protect yourself from becoming entangled in their cycle of control.

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